
6月, 2021の投稿を表示しています


Triggers: 30 sales tools you can use to control the mind      This book is about how people are put into a set of mind of buying things. It is a marketing book. It start with how this person sold so many things and how great of a salesman he is. The first key point of selling he introduces is the order of ordering things. One day evening, Sugarman finished work and headed to a small restaurant. He seats himself and has a great dinner. All pleased, he goes for a chocolate ice cream with whip cream topping. This is his favorite dessert and it is his go to dessert. He calls the waitress and asks if he could have an ice cream with just some cream on top. The waitress answers that would be a "Sunday" with no syrup. He gets his ice cream and finishes it and goes for the check. That's when he noticed that the ice cream was the same price as the normal "Sunday". Another day he goes to a different cafe and tries orders the same ice cream with cream on top. Him and the wa


 Netflix, NO RULES      The next thing to do is to be open with all of your information. Reed has been to a company that had a motto of being as transparent as possible with his employee. But going to the company and trying to go to the CEO's office the door to the room was open but there was a security guard like person in front and many keys on the drawers. He thought to him self that none of the information was open. But why did Reed want to make information open with his employees? He thought making it open will help build trust between each other. For example, if your bosses are in a meeting with all severe features on their faces, but did not tell you what they have been talking about in the meeting. You would be paranoid about it for the whole day or even weeks. There might be something going on in the company that would lead to cutting off some of the employees. This mind would connect with your actions in the company. This isn't good. Letting everyone know what it gong


 Netflix, NO RULES       In this book review I will explain a mind blowing experiment that the book introduces. The content is connected with my previous post. It goes like this. 87 people were given separate test the needed remembering, concentrating, attention and creativity. They were told that the person who did best will get a reward. A third of the group was told they will be given reward of about a day's worth pay. Another third, about a week's pay and the last third was told about 5 months pay. The results were shocking. The group that were told the highest reward did the worst in the tests. They did this test in another country. There were two tests and it was to do physical work and the other was to do work that used your brain. The group that were told the highest reward was best in the physical work but did the worst in the mental work. This experiment shows that when you try to do something under pressure, not knowing if you can get a pay has a negative effect on c


 Netflix NO RULES      I am writing about this book how Netflix became the biggest video streaming company. Just in case you don't remember, this book is mainly the words of Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, and Erin Meyer, a professor of INSTEAD. I've explained how Netflix has abolished the rules such as how much money you can use for business trips and how many breaks you can have. The next step, according to this book, is to give the greatest paycheck that the employee deserves. Today's companies mostly have a system that you receive a small amount of salary increase every year or so. Even if you largely contribute to the company's sales, you might get a 2~3% increase on your salary. This book says this system is not recommended. If the company's job was to just make ice creams or something that wouldn't need creativity, even if you get a person that really do the job, the work efficiency might grow up to about 2 times the work. However, if you have a job th