
 Netflix, NO RULES

      In this book review I will explain a mind blowing experiment that the book introduces. The content is connected with my previous post. It goes like this. 87 people were given separate test the needed remembering, concentrating, attention and creativity. They were told that the person who did best will get a reward. A third of the group was told they will be given reward of about a day's worth pay. Another third, about a week's pay and the last third was told about 5 months pay. The results were shocking. The group that were told the highest reward did the worst in the tests. They did this test in another country. There were two tests and it was to do physical work and the other was to do work that used your brain. The group that were told the highest reward was best in the physical work but did the worst in the mental work. This experiment shows that when you try to do something under pressure, not knowing if you can get a pay has a negative effect on creativity and your brain.



The Valiant Little Tailor

book review

The Frog Prince